Storytelling Performances

Fairy tales in my life

The Narration of Fairy Tales in my Life

I love fairy tales because they are like birds.They are heard only by children and those with a pure heart, just like my grandmother, who blew the fairytale breeze into my mind and heart. I narrate tales from our local written and oral tradition, as well as from other cultures and places around the world,  fairy tales of mine, but also poetic stories. I cherish magical fairytales and stories of wisdom that carry the truth on their wings from the dawn of time.



I have designed and executed interactive storytelling performances with various themes in museums, schools, galleries, radio and TV shows, theaters, at the Agios Savvas Oncology Hospital, at the Athens Conservatoire, at the School of Play, at children’s festivals, at the 3rd International Street Theatre Festival, at the Fournos Theatre, at the Michalis Cacogiannis Foundation, at the Book Arcade in collaboration with various publishing houses, at the Technopolis of the Municipality of Athens, in collaboration with various municipalities and cultural organizations in the country, at the ESHEA Oncology Congress, at the Hellenic-Japanese conference with the Seiwa Bunraku puppet theater group, in the garden of the Athens Concert Hall, and more.



I have participated in conferences and seminars, giving lectures regarding fairy tales, and their therapeutic function. I have conducted seminars on fairy tales for pedagogy and preschool education students, and I continue to organize experiential workshops for adults on the art of storytelling, “The Fairy Tale: A Pedagogical and Therapeutic Tool for Self-Knowledge and Joy in Times of Crisis”, as well as experiential storytelling and color workshops for children,“Discovering my gifts and unfolding my dreams through fairy tales”.


I focus on the healing effect and function of fairy tales and I believe that storytelling is an act of transmitting strength, a process of initiation and preparation for the journey of the soul and the evolution of consciousness.

Storytelling Performances
(some examples)

I have designed and executed storytelling performances for children and adults with various themes in collaboration with various venues. I mention some indicative ones: 

– “The Golden-Green Bird, a collection of fairy tales featuring ghosts, fairies, elves and mythical creatures” ( at Black Duck Multiplarte art space, at Fournos theater and in Samothraki  in collaboration with various cultural organizations)
– “Journey to the garden of fairy tales, journey to the truth of our heart”
(for the Oncology Hospital Agios Savvas)
– “Fairy tales travel and heal”
(for the Oncology Hospital Agios Savvas)
– “A sea breeze by the seashore blew, carrying fairy tales as it flew”
(Aegina Fistiki Fest, tower of Marcellus)
– “Come unravel the red thread, come and hear the truth it’ll tell”
(3rd International Street Theatre Festival, Michalis Cacogiannis Foundation)
– “The giving tree and other wonderful eco-fairytales” (Heraklion, Crete, Eco-Festival)
“A little bird sings, a fairy tale it brings”(Pyrna, Kifisia)
– “Fairy tales travel from mouth to mouth”, educational storytelling program

(in collaboration with Akritas Publishing for schools)
“Fairy tales travel to the Book Arcade”
(in collaboration with En Plo Publications at the Art Hall, in the Book Arcade)
– “The Lord and the Painter”(Spiros Vasileiou Museum)
– “Fish, animals and birds in human speech, invite us on a journey,

transformations they teach.” (Museum of Greek Folk Art)
– “A storyteller strolled on trough, a kind soul offered him a brew, then crowd assembled, quite a few, right here he sat and enjoyed the view” (Bookshop Plaisio, Zakynthos)
– “A Christmas boat filled with fairytales”(Art Museum Herakleidon, Athens, Athenian Conservatoire)
– “They call me Babalo, they call me Bumbler, they call me Boheme” (Christmas fairytales for children at the Museum of Greek Folk Art, in collaboration with various organizations and associations)
– “Unraveling the veil of time” (Man and Tools Museum, European Heritage Days)
– “And if I weave my words in fairy tales, it’s because your ears savor their sweetness”, Storytelling on candlelit evenings, for grown souls who still dream. (at Symmoria tou Iliou Art Space)
– “Whatever comes from the heart, always finds the way…”,

fairytales and theatrical games for children (at Symmoria tou Iliou art space)
– “Fairy tales for the truth in our heart”, for children and adults who still dare to dream 

(Garden of the Athens Concert Hall)
– “The red thread of tales, from heart it sets sail.”, fairytales for children over 8 years old and adults who still dare to dream (Center for Physical and Spiritual Awareness, Anadysis)
– “The singing key”, fairytales and kirtan, a storytelling performance of fairytales and kirtan for adults
 On heart’s path”, storytelling performance with the sounds of sitar for adults

Welcome to the world of painting and art!
Art for me is a secret gateway to transition and communicate with the magical parallel reality, to breathe and reconnect with my soul's song. Through art I discover every time from the beginning the path to converse with a deep and invisible side of the world, to be able to transform darkness into light and pain into a path for rebirth and transformation

What happens